About Us
We are located on the Southwest flank of Mauna Loa, on the Big Island of Hawaii. The rich young soil, combined with our organic amendments, produces some of the highest quality organic coffee available.

We hand nurture each tree ourselves individually to guarantee optimal growth. Once ripe our coffee is hand picked, then goes through our rigorous 4 step wet mill. Here it gets hand sorted, pulped, fermented, then hand washed. Guaranteeing only the best gets through. Next step is drying. This takes approximately 10 to 14 days on our dry deck. Once the coffee is dry it is then taken to a dry mill. There they remove any damaged, broken, or small beans. Leaving only the highest quality beans for us to roast.
Sloan Grown
We roast and ship weekly, assuring our customers receive only the freshest, highest quality, Organic 100% Kona Coffee available.